Something for everyone
As the sister community of Alkimos Beach, there are a number of established groups and clubs across both communities, open to Beach and Vista residents.
Become part of a bustling community filled with activity and recreation. Join a sports club, learn to sew or help shape your community in the Alkimos Beach Progress Association, which is now welcoming Alkimos Vista residents.
If you are keen to have your groups details listed here, please contact our Social Sustainability Manager at Lendlease by emailing
For more local groups, explore the City of Wanneroo's community directory.
Community Care Sessions
First Saturday of each month, 10am at Sprout Hub
Check the Sprout Hub Facebook page for more information
Little Sprout Meetups
Thursdays mornings at Sprout Hub
Chat, play and half-price coffee. 11am – 12:30pm
Alkimos Vista Sewing and Crafts Group
Thursdays, 11.30am – 1pm
Meet the Local Artist
Local artist featured monthly.
Commencing again soon. Keep an eye out on Sprout Hub Facebook page for details.
Alkimos Surf Life Saving Club
Alkimos Surf Life Saving Clubrooms, Alkimos Beach
Beach sports and skills training.
Karl, Chairperson
Alkimos Titans Ball Club
T-Ball at Leatherback Oval, Alkimos Beach
Brighton Seahawks Junior Football Club
Junior Football for girls and boys
Leatherback Oval, Alkimos Beach
Brendan Sharp, President
Alkimos Pirates Lacrosse
Leatherback Oval, Alkimos Beach
Alkimos Beach Progress Association
A local group interested in progressing all things Alkimos
Tony Elliot, President
Alkimos Boomerang Bags
Learn to sew and help make reusable shopping bags, made from re-purposed fabric for the community
Thursdays at Sprout Community Hub, Alkimos Vista
Contact: Faye, 0407 220 568
Alkimos Shobukan
Martial Art classes for kids and adults
Gateway Shopping Precinct, Alkimos Beach