Local group in profile - University of the Third Age (Redlands District)

‘Learning for Pleasure’ is their motto – The University of the Third Age (U3A) Redlands District, exists to promote learning through connecting with like-minded seniors with an ethos of age being no barrier to learn new skills and experience new challenges. 

Now in their 23rd year offering programs for local seniors, this year there are over 80 different classes that range from leisure studies through to academic interest areas.  

For a small annual membership fee and a minimal fee for each course, members can enrol in a diverse range of courses that include ancient history, financial literacy, paper quilling, crosswords, philosophy, languages, cycling and plenty more.

They are hosting a Fresh Start event on Friday 26 February 2021. It is an opportunity for existing and new members to reconnect and reenergise with fellow U3A Redlands friends. Registrations will be essential, visit the website for more details.  

For a full list of their classes, locations and times visit: https://www.u3aredlands.com.au/
Contact: enquiries@u3aredlands.com.au

Pictured: University of the Third Age Redlands District Management Committee