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Elliot Springs Community Grants Program Applications Now Open

Bring your community initiatives to life

Community groups shape our growing community. This is your opportunity to make a positive and lasting impact!

We've created the Elliot Springs Community Grants Program because we recognise the importance of building communities from the ground up. We want to you, the residents and groups of Elliot Springs, to have an active role in shaping our community and we look forward to supporting your community initiatives.

We are looking to fund programs, initiatives or events that benefit the community of Elliot Springs through improving social, environmental and economic outcomes.


More specifically those which:

  1. Educate / up-skill the community
  2. Connect and strengthen relationships within the community
  3. Assist the start-up and ongoing support of community groups, programs, social enterprise
  4. Celebrate the culture and history of the Elliot Springs area
  5. Activate public space (specifically The Hub or Wadda Mooli Park)


The details:

Total funding pool $5000 (funding up to $2500 per grant available)


Applications open:

Applications open 1 September 2021 – 15 October 2021


Apply online


For more information or to discuss your idea:

E: T: 0427 557 501


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