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Dog Shop Homemade Pet Bribes and Treats

Local child entrepreneur has tails wagging in Elliot Springs!

Made with love, six-year-old Ryder’s canine clientele are sinking their teeth into his booming pet treat business, Dog Shop – selling his home-made treats from the Elliot Springs Markets.

From the business' humble beginnings in Ryder’s home kitchen, Dog Shop is building a strong and loyal following, as Townville pooches drool over the three gourmet flavours – peanut butter & pumpkin, roast sweet potato, bacon and rosemary and banana, maple and cinnamon.

Proud mum Jodi Schultz said Ryder’s business came about after she was housebound post-surgery and had to home-school the six-year-old for a period of time.

“We were baking human biscuits one day when Ryder asked if we could make some for the dogs, which was a great idea because they won't eat store bought ones. We set about researching recipes and safe ingredients for dogs and made a batch and the doggos loved them, so did the cat,” she said.

“I suggested to Ryder we make some and see if anyone would like to buy them just from his school community because there were a few kids there selling their own wares in pop up shops after school. So we did that and started getting a few orders. I then thought this would make a great home-schooling project to actually start a business from scratch but keep it very simple, in six years old terms. So, I asked Ryder what was he going to call his “Shop”. He looked at me blankly and said, “DOG SHOP?” 

From the early stages of the business venture, Ryder and his mum created a business plan, product, price point and came up with ideas of where and how they could sell the treats – The Elliot Springs Markets was one of the places he decided to set up shop.


Images courtesy of Jodi Schultz + DOG SHOP Homemade Pet Bribes & Treats By Ryder


“Ryder is the face and salesman of DOG SHOP Homemade Pet Treats & Bribes By Ryder. He has grown his shop to now include Licki Matt's and anti-anxiety toys for dogs as well as his amazing yummy treats,” said Jodi.

“Pawesome Therapy By Simba (Therapy Dogs used by Tracey Richards Psychology, Townsville) approached Ryder and asked to sponsor his business, so he now receives a monthly financial contribution which is to be used to help grow DOG SHOP.

“We are so proud of Ryder and how much he's grown from this experience. Everyone who has been a part of this journey and supported him like his teachers and friends from Enkindle Village School, to our own community here, have seen Ryder grow a few feet taller in confidence from speaking with his customers, and we can see how proud he is of himself and DOG SHOP.

“He loves calling himself the "Boss," and regularly hires and fires us...even though we are volunteers. It's definitely important for us to help Ryder develop a healthy relationship with money, no different to food, it will benefit him so much in life and hopefully make his early adulthood years much easier if he has some understanding of money and business skills. It's a great hobby!”


Want to get your hands on Ryder’s Dog Shop treats?

Follow the Dog Shop Facebook page to see when he will be attending the Elliot Springs Markets.