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Creating a sanctuary for our local, native critters

Situated in picturesque Werrington, the Kings Central neighbourhood features over 2 hectares of protected bushland – some of which connects to the community’s two future parks.

Our connection to nature has always been a major drawcard for our future residents. Take Jocell Miranda, a buyer who has chosen to relocate from the hustle and bustle of Sydney’s inner west for a nature-filled life. In search of a tree change, Jocell said one of the biggest appeals about the Kings Central neighbourhood was its lush greenery and close proximity to local fauna.

“There are always kangaroos and animals to see and we just don’t have that in the inner west,” Jocell said.

The team behind Kings Central has a commitment to complete revegetation and restoration works to ensure our neighbourhood not only remains lush and green for residents, but protects our local, native critters.

Lendlease Assistant Development Manager Rebecca McAlpine said restoration works have begun in the neighbourhood’s protected bushland areas under the supervision of qualified ecologists, Niche Environment and Heritage.

“These works will take place over the course of two years, after which the land will be handed over to Penrith City Council for ongoing maintenance,” Rebecca said.

“These works include the removal of weeds, planting of native trees, shrub and grass species, and placement of logs to form habitats for native animals.”

The tree logs (pictured below) and all other works completed over the two-year period will remain in place for generations to come.

In consultation with the project’s ecology consultant, Niche Environment and Heritage, tree logs have been strategically placed in Kings Central’s protected bushland zone to provide a habitat for ground dwelling reptiles and mammals.

“These logs were taken from other areas of the Kings Central site to allow development to start on our future neighbourhood,” Rebecca added.

“Adding the logs to the environmental protection areas improves the habitat for the native species present onsite. The logs can provide shelter from the weather, a space to hibernate, and even offers protection from an animal’s natural predators.”

While it’s difficult to predict which animals will use the logs, it is hoped that small native animals such as possums, lizards, frogs and a variety of native birds will use these as their personal sanctuaries.