Parks and Recreation

The Village Centre Lake is now open and suitable for water activities such as kayaking and canoeing. A second lake Melaleuca Lake is circled by walking paths and parklands.
A 2.5ha Northern Road Oval includes a modified league field, all abilities playground, hard court, picnic and BBQ facilities and parking for 40 cars. A second 5.5ha Village Oval includes two playing fields, hard courts, learn to ride circuit, dog park, full amenities building and parking for 80 cars.
Jordan Springs is also privileged to be surrounded by the beautiful Wianamatta Regional Park.
All open space in Jordan Springs western precinct has now been delivered. There is over 16 ha of open space throughout Jordan Springs including nine local parks offering diverse playgrounds, sporting fields, lakes, dog parks, workout stations, shaded areas and BBQs, with an integrated network of walking and cycle paths throughout the community and easy access to public transport.
A further 7 parks are planned for Jordan Springs East as part of 26 ha of local open space and the exciting 15 ha Regional Open Space. The beautiful Edge Pocket Park and Brick Kiln heritage park are already open to the public with central pocket parks and Village Centre Park in Development Application phase, planned for delivery in 2023.
Each of these parks will bring a unique offering to Jordan Springs with South Creek Quarter catering to older children and teenagers featuring outdoor table tennis and a kick-about lawn and the Village Centre Park boasting an amphitheatre and covered community activity space. The design for the Regional Open Space, currently being developed in consultation with the local community and Indigenous groups, will feature seven premium quality sporting fields, district amenities building, netball courts and an adventure playground.
In addition to local open space, Jordan Springs is privileged to be surrounded by 900 ha of dedicated regional park to be enjoyed through numerous walking trails and activation nodes including a section of “The Great West Walk” – a 65km walking route connecting Parramatta to the foot of the Blue Mountains.
There are a number of other recreation areas planned for Jordan Springs East including sporting fields, run about areas and an adventure playground.